Health House was established in 2013 as the first dedicated rowing studio mixing rowing and strength training for a healthier community. The newest location amplifies that notion with an immersive experience catering to a bespoke lifestyle. Every design move from entry to personal interaction, crossing over the threshold from a social space into the transformative studio, to an innovative rowing experience engaging users in a dynamic video wall, to replenishing with natural supplements from t. Loft contributes to a holistic experience. KEM STUDIO, the architect and interior designer, collaborated with Dimensional Innovations who designed a seamless, game-changing rowing experience.
2018 KC AIA Design Excellence Award, Merit
2018 Capstone Award (Retail Category)
2018 IDEA (International Design Excellence Awards), Finalist
Australian Design Review, “KEM STUDIO Aims To Redefine The Fitness Studio Typology,” by Natalie Mortimer, 2018
MidCoast Design Record, “2018 AIA Kansas City Design Excellence Award Winners,” by MidCoast Staff, 2018
Kansas City Business Journal, “2018 Capstone Awards: Retail – Health House III,” by David Mitchell, 
The Kansas City Star, “Prairie Village’s new rowing fitness studio will have a T.Loft” by Joyce Smith, 2017


  Bob Greenspan